; Nervous Water | ex-ex angler


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Nervous Water

i was lucky this past weekend to get out and go fishing three times. on friday, i made a last minute decision to catch the evening tide and try to line some porgy for dinner. i launched the kayak 5 minutes from my house at around 4:45 PM, which was about 1.75 hours before high tide. the water temperatures were in the low 70s (a bit too hot) and the wind was nonexistent.  failing at finding any scup, i started paddling around the harbor.

per usual, there was bunker everywhere.


imagine there to be about 20 of these pods, all around the boat moorings.  for the most part, there were no bass or blues working them.  they seemed to be so content, just flipping about, slowly moving from one area to another.  with the kayak, i can get extremely close to these schools, and i can see the hundreds of adult bunker just circling around.

knowing that live bait was my best bet to catch  something, i snagged a bunker, put it on a circle hook and left the pole in my flush mount rod holder.  i then alternated between flies and lures, casting around the edges of the pods to see if anything would take.

unfortunately, nada.

my thought was that it was just too hot for any action.  no worries, though.  this just means that september, when the water has cooled down, is going to be craaaaaazzzzyy!


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